Friday, October 3, 2014

Victims of Outbreak Seek Saint Thomas' Insurance Policies

Lawyers for victims of the 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak are asking a federal judge to order Saint Thomas Health and related entities to provide full details of insurance policies that could benefit their clients.
In a motion filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Boston, attorney J. Gerard Stranch of Nashville charged that Saint Thomas officials have steadfastly refused to provide copies of their insurance agreements.
In the motion and an accompanying brief, the plaintiffs' attorneys noted that a federal magistrate judge already had ordered disclosure of the coverage details.
While some general information was provided, critical details, including copies of actual insurance agreements have not been provided, the motion states.
Lawyers for the victims contend that knowing the available coverage is critical in efforts to reach a settlement.
"Plaintiffs first asked for insurance information almost 14 months ago," the filing states.
The motion comes in a massive case combining claims by hundreds of victims of the outbreak caused by tainted spinal steroids. Most of the Tennessee victims were injected at the Saint Thomas Outpatient Neurosurgical Center in Nashville.

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